Vascular Society for Limb Salvage(VSLS) – Non-Profit Organisation

VSLS got it base on January 1, 2012. The aim of this society to serve the nation by educating physician and other scientists in the fled of vascular surgery by means of scientific sessions, other instructional programmes. In addition to it, another important contribution of the society with a view of getting funds together so that some needy patients can be helped and also to educate public. 

VSLS Society nurtures learning and to help Needy. Our vision is to remove barriers when it comes to learning and needy. This society is accessible to those in need. In short, it’s a public or social benefit society. Not all of us can do great things but we can do small things with great love. We as a civilized society can do whatever is possible. A healthy society is a real asset as the recent pandemic is the eyeopener. Together we can bring the happiness for the enter humanity, that’s the real meaning of life. 

We have given more than 500 lectures to Rotary club, Lion’s club, Senior Citizen group, Villages etc. We have performed more than 200 lectures to doctors in the territory of 5 northern states.

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Call +91-82838 17442 or click to request a same-day appointment. 
